Πέμπτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

Code week -dance

 The several students of our school dance for #happycodeweekdance2020.They enjoyed so much,the oldest pupils prepare the costums and the chorography.Look at them.

Introduce the eu code week activities to the primary teachers in Piraeus

In 14th of October took place an online webinar with the primary teachers in Piraeus-Gr eece.The goals were to intoduce the teachers in several coding activities.Ms Victoria Katsigianni the teachers'supervisor in Piraeus helped us to the organisation of the meeting.They took part several teachers and after the presentation,we talked about how we can inspire our students to coding.It was a interesting webinar and we think that we inpired teachers to get involved with code week activities at the future.

Here is the presentation