Σάββατο 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Code week offer us goodies

               Thank you code week for your goodies to offer us for our activities.

Coding and daily pedagogical procedure

 Our pupils love so much coding activities, so they created by themselves cards and play with the bee bots in our daily pedagogical procedure. Code week page.
Here, we learn Greek Mythology and the myths of Hercules with our bee bot.

Code week and etwinning

 We always disseminate the code activities in our etwinning projects

The partners of an etwinning project, Are you ready for...merry-go-round with a vest? about the circular economy, fairy trade, and the cycle of clothes life call teachers and students to participate to draw with pixel arts their own clothes. Page in code week.


Eu code week and Erasmus project


 How we can do dissemination of code week in the Erasmus project?

Participating in four Erasmus projects with code and robotic topics, we tried to disseminate the code week and their activities in our Erasmus partners.

Erasmus project: The word of coding, Erasmus ka229. Participant countries: Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece.

As the most experienced member of the project, we tried to introduce them to coding at our first mobility to Poland. Page in code week.

Eu code week and erasmus

 How we can do dissemination of code week in the Erasmus project?

Participating in four Erasmus projects with code and robotic topics, we tried to disseminate the code week and their activities in our Erasmus partners.

 I am not a robot, Erasmus ka229 project. 

1st activity: Participants countries Belgium, Latvia, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, and Greece. We organize coding activities with scratch. We connected online to teach our partners the basic steps in scratch and after that, we have the task to create a video animation with scratch.

2nd activity: We organized blockly lesson of the partners of the Erasmus project.